Wills & Estates

Wills & Estates

Nakles and Nakles is well-qualified to handle all aspects of estate planning and administration. We will work with you in the writing of your will, planning trusts and arranging matters in order to ensure that your desires for your estate will be carried out just as you wish, with the best possible tax advantage.

Careful estate planning will protect your family and loved ones and will preserve the property you worked so hard to obtain. Naming guardians for your children and providing for their lives avoids unhappy situations and family conflicts. Planning during your lifetime gives you peace of mind and security.

We are prepared to help you in such matters as Living Wills, Powers of Attorney and Guardianships. We are fully aware of problems that occur with ill or aging patients and we approach these matters with the sensitivity that these situations require.

We stand ready to steer you through the complex responsibilities of will probate and estate administration. As an executor of an estate, you assume legal accountability to the heirs and to the court. Here, at Nakles and Nakles, we have the experience and the staff to handle preparation of inheritance tax returns, state and federal estate taxes, estate inventories, audits, distribution and individual problems that may arise.

We’re here to Help,
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